General Health

What are Muscle Aches?

September 28, 2023

At some point or another, you have likely encountered muscle aches, which are more formally known as myalgia.

Below is more information about muscle aches, their causes, and techniques for treating them.

What are Potential Causes of Acute Muscle Aches?

Acute muscle aches are aches that occur during and within 24 hours of strenuous physical exercise.

While these aches are common, that doesn’t mean they are easy to live with. Depending on their location and severity, acute muscle aches can make it challenging to complete normal daily tasks.

Below are some common causes of acute muscle aches and pains.

Overworked muscle groups

Working out, having a physically demanding job, or simply engaging in unfamiliar activities can strain your muscles and lead to muscle aches.

When muscle groups experience stress, the microscopic tears in the muscle fibers can cause pain.

This type of response is natural, temporary, and typically not a cause for concern.

Sleeping wrong

When you sleep, your body remains in one position for an extended period. Falling asleep with your body in an awkward position can cause sore, tight, and achy muscles the following day.

Sprains, tears, and other injuries can certainly cause muscle aches. Typically, these aches begin at the time of injury and can linger for some time. If you are in excessive pain or are having mobility issues, you should consult a healthcare professional.

Getting sick

Illness can also cause myalgia. When you get sick, it is an indication that your immune system is hard at work fighting off a foreign invader like a virus or bacteria. When the immune response is activated, it can cause muscle inflammation and muscle weakness, known as myositis. It can also cause whole-body myalgia.

Muscle aches that are induced by illness tend to be fairly short-lived. As you recover from being sick, they will typically go away. If you are also experiencing a stiff neck, severe headaches, muscle spasms, or sensitivity to light, you may want to see your primary caregiver to rule out meningitis.

What are Potential Causes of Chronic Muscle Aches?

Chronic muscle aches are aches that persist for some time or often recur. Chronic muscle pain can have a very real consequence on your overall quality of life. Below is a closer look at some potential causes of chronic muscle aches.

Autoimmune disease

Your immune system is well adapted to fighting off foreign invaders, but in certain circumstances, it can mistakenly attack the tissues of your body. When the body’s own immune system attacks other tissues, it is known as an autoimmune disease.

Polymyositis, multiple sclerosis, polymyalgia rheumatica, lupus, and dermatomyositis are several autoimmune diseases known to cause muscles aches. Treatments for autoimmune disorders often involve suppressing the immune response.


Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterized by pain and soreness throughout the body. Fibromyalgia is typically diagnosed in middle adulthood and can persist throughout your life. There currently is not a cure for fibromyalgia, and its exact cause is not clearly understood.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a condition characterized by extreme fatigue. The fatigue experienced with this disorder tends to be persistent over a long period and does not improve with sleep. It can often come with generalized pain, including muscle aches.

Medication side effects

Persistent muscle pain can be a side effect of certain medications. Cholesterol-lowering medications known as statins are notorious for causing muscle aches. The erectile dysfunction medication tadalafil also has the potential to cause muscle aches. If you are on a prescription and begin noticing muscle aches, reach out to your physician to determine the next best steps. Often, alternative medicine can be provided.

How Can I Ease Muscle Aches?

Persistent muscle aches can interfere with daily activities and negatively impact your quality of life. Here’s a closer look on how to find relief from muscle aches.


Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be helpful in reducing the discomfort associated with sore muscles.

Topical NSAIDs are another viable option. Protaren is prescription cream that fights pain and inflammation to provide targeted relief and improve mobility.

Home remedies

Popular at-home remedies include hot baths, muscle massages, using a cold compress, and staying hydrated.

How Rex MD Can Help

Muscle aches are quite common and have a number of potential causes. Some causes like overuse are fairly benign and don’t require treatment. Others – typically rooting from autoimmune disorders – require medical intervention. The silver lining is that several options are available to help alleviate muscle aches regardless of the underlying cause.

If you are experiencing muscle aches, learn how Rex MD can assist you in your recovery.